Oh my gosh, It feels so good to be awake...... I was in a DEEP sleep.....Sheesh. And I started, having this weird dream. I still remember the quote it stated to me....."Break your reality" Oh jeez.. Agh. I learned something from that dream too. A fantasy world where you can do ANYTHING like separate your individual body parts, and fly them around like a tornado, Or flying in the sky, Walking on walls, Changing your body and appearance..............Loosing yourself........ It isn't alll that great, it's pretty pointless, but I still fell for it anyway. *sigh* But one person who I thought that was so annoying, who woke me up many mornings, But miss some BIG EVENT-IMPORTANT mornings.... This person saved my life probably... And that person would be..........My Alarm Clock. Yep! My Alarm Clock! It Started beeping right by my ears.....right Before I completely lost myself.. And you know what? I woke up, and felt like I actually "broke my reality" . I shattered it pretty bad. I had a hard time getting up, and focusing, getting my wits back. I could hardly even move. Nor could I have even felt my own body. But reality came back to me, I got my life back, and I want to thank God, for allowing me to live another day of my life.
Wow Man, That's Deep... Real Deep.
I Feel What You're Saying...
I Enjoy WHat You're Saying :D